
My name is Al and I'm sexoholic.

I love sex in any representaion.
Any fashion. And I'm full passion.

I'm addicted to a good time.
I love to have a good orgasm.
I spend my life looking for the best one.

Professionally I'm a software engineer.
I love creating things and solving problems.
I'm staring at the monitor all day.
And I get paid.

I know technology and internet by heart.
I know the best place to watch sex-cam and cum,
To find a date and to get laid.

I know few thing about porn.
Both free and premium, you know.
And I like write.

What I do

  • I write reviews and articles for adult oriented websites, applications, services etc.
  • I am always honest, because I don't give a fuck. I call things what they are.
  • I write reviews for other independent publishers, like SavePorno and you can too.

What I DON'T do

  • I don't promote or get paid by any website and don't write scripted reviews.
  • I don't steal work of others and I don't write reviews that already exists in good quality.